Farm to Fame
Hot Pepper Festival
At Backroom Brewery
Hot pepper tastes, cold beer and drinks, entertainment, vendors, food, wings, recipes ......
August 2, 2025 from 12 until 8:00 150 Ridgemont Road, Middletown, VA 22645
Hot Pepper Tasting
Aji Charapita Chile
Aji Lemon Drop Chile
MOA Scotch Bonnet Chile
Tiger Jalapeno Pepper
Tiger Jalapeno Pepper
Peachadew Chili Pepper
Buena Mulata Pepper
Wiri Wiri Chile
Sugar Rush Stripey Chile
Aji Margariteno Chile
Numes Lota Lotein Chile
Fatali Hot Pepper
Chocolate Habanero
Scotch Brain Chile
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Death Spiral Chile

Dragon's Breath Chile
Moruga Scorpion
Bhut Jolokia - Ghost Chili
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion Chile
Yellow Fever Chile
Chocolate Bhutlah Chili
7 Pot Bubblegum Chile
Chocolate Reaper Chile
Taste all or just a few for $10. Any participant who tastes all of the peppers and makes it to the end of the tasting line will receive a gold medal on a blue ribbon. This activity is for adults over the age of 18.